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Excise Duty Management System

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Excise Duty Management System

Client: Standard Charted Bank

Instruction of National Board of Revenue (NBR) to deduct Excise Duty from each of the customer accounts (savings, current, loan or other accounts) held with the bank. This means, for example, if a customer maintains a savings account with a bank and also has a loan account; Excise Duty will be applicable on both the accounts separately.

Product Information


  • Pull account data from IBM DB2 UDR database
  • Generate Block Upload file EBBS
  • Duel control and multi-user
  • Import FCY account balances and information from UDR
  • Currency and Rate setup
  • Generate FCY Block Upload file EBBS


Java Web based Solution/J2EE, SQL Server DB

Representatives Clients

Standard Charted Bank

Number of Installation/Clients: 01

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