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Loan Collection & Recovery System

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Loan Collection & Recovery System

Client: Standard Charted Bank

This system is a comprehensive debt receivables management system which besides meeting the Bank’s Collection operations requirements, delivers advanced features to improve the business capabilities. The system will comprehensively manage receivables from Loan (including mortgages) and Credit card portfolio besides overdraft. It will help to minimize delinquencies through a series of proactive actions and tight supervision.

Product Information


  • Single Platform for all credit Products
  • The product processors, the Core Banking system, the Loan System and the Credit Card System feed Overdraft details, repayment information, Loan details and Credit Card details, respectively into the Collection application, by a batch process.
  • Versatile Data mapping process
  • Versatile Screen Manager. Screens with contents relevant to each product
  • Linking of accounts of a customer – LCRS will link all the accounts/contracts belonging to a given Customer using the unique identifier provided by the bank.
  • Bucket stamping – The LCRS will have the capability to classify DPDs into buckets which are normally used in Collection Process. The buckets can be defined depending on the product.
  • The system will have the capability to track payments against promises received and mark the promise to pay (PTP) either as Promise Kept (KP) or BP.
  • LCRS will have the capability to generate a work-list and set priority against work-list for a collector. System will generate prompt for the collection according his/ her work-list.
  • The Collector can refer to another Collector or the Supervisor to give suggestion on a particular customer and also route (endorse) Cases to their Supervisors for review.
  • LCRS will have the capability to set flags against customer and if needed will allow modification customer information.
  • Customer Contact History – A mode of communication with the customer and the interaction details will be captured in LCRS.
  • The system will have a versatile search facility. The system will bring up the relationship page of a customer when a user keys in the key search fields such as Name, Account number, CIF number, Address.  The system will accept either the complete details or partial details.
  • The system will also offer configurable search function, wherein the bank can decide and configure the search labels themselves.
  • Skew Analysis – analysis of reason for delinquency
  • Continuous monitoring of collector performance through dash board reports for supervisor
  • Load balancing – The system, in the Supervisor’s dash board, shows when a Collector is over loaded.
  • Re-allocation
  • MIS – MIS Reports can be configured to suit the business needs, using the LCRS Reports tool. Report output: CSV, PDF, DOC, XLS
  • Application Audit log
  • Group Security Matrix
  • Task assignment against User Roles or Specific User.


ASP.NET Desktop Based Application, SQL Server DB

Representatives Clients

Standard Chartered Bank, Premier Bank Ltd. SABINCO

Number of Installation/Clients: 03

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